What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a body of knowledge that can be applied to every aspect of human life. Whether designing a home or a business, the implementation of this philosophy follows a scientific approach, creating environments that nurture abundance and convey a natural, conducive way of life, helping to proactively manifest our desires. 

Feng Shui Concern & Misconceptions

Due to many myths, misconceptions, and limited information available about Feng Shui, many people believe it to be a form of divination. However, Feng Shui is neither magic nor a marketing tool. It is a guide that follows common sense and effective techniques, upholding the highest and most respected values and principles of nature and spirituality. 

Feng Shui History

Long before a compass existed or any school system was established, the philosophy of 'living in harmony with the flow of nature' was known as Kan Yu. It was based on the one goal all living things share in common: survival, and naturally the desire to succeed in our endeavors.

In ancient times, as humans sought ideal places to settle and grow, some individuals began to notice the similarities and distinctions between the success and failure of various villages. These individuals traveled far and wide for answers, examining the physical and energetic aspects of different lands—their forms, patterns, vegetation, air and water quality, and life. They eventually documented their findings and implemented traditional techniques that spread throughout history. These practices played a vital role in medicine, literature, military strategy, and the success of many villages throughout China. This practice is what we know today as Feng Shui.

What is Qi?

The core concept of Feng Shui are its natural laws and Qi (pronounced 'chi') energy. Metaphysically, Qi has been best described as the very essence that composes the whole universe and interconnects everything in creation. Its influence is felt by all, and all forms and manifestations originate from it. 

Study the past if you would define the future.

Chinese Proverb

Feng shui is the oldest and longest successfully practiced natural design tradition in history. 

Proving its timeless and vital existence in our world and how this ancient practice continues to flow into modern times. 

The Canton Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China  ∙

The WOW Factor - Architect & Designer Mistakes

In modern times, with the demand for housing at an all-time high, an increasing number of new development projects are filling city skylines worldwide. However, this rush for housing has led some architects and designers to prioritize designs that serve catalogs and award nominations rather than their intended purpose. When choosing a designer or architect, it is crucial to ensure they prioritize the longevity of your investment and support the well-being of the people who will live in these residences.

Below are examples of architectural and interior design concepts that are not ideal from a Feng Shui standpoint.

Visually pleasing aesthetics do not take precedence over feng shui principles.

Exterior and interior designs should, of course, be beautiful, but they must also be economical, functional, and, most importantly, resonate with its purpose. By applying Feng Shui principles, you can avoid common mistakes that can ruin relationships, financial security, health, and happiness.

It's NOT a numbers game.

It doesn't matter if your property costs a hundred thousand or a quarter of a billion dollars. Designing and selecting a good Feng Shui house, apartment, condo, building, or commercial space is the first step in ensuring your success. 

A message from the CEO

Hello and welcome,

The practice of Feng Shui is one of the world's most highly regarded fields of study, and it is a philosophy we take very seriously. Not only have we been rigorously trained in the origins, principles, and classical theories of Feng Shui, but we have also undergone several years of studies, training, and continuous examinations.

Words cannot express the honor it would be for us to serve as your consultant. Until then, we welcome any questions or concerns you may have prior to a consultation and look forward to meeting you someday soon.

What To Expect

Depending on the size of your property, we will evaluate and assess the entire space, including its surroundings. After completing the audit, we will generate a tailored report within a week. For larger properties, the report will be delivered within two weeks. This report will include an interpretation of the property's energetic strengths and weaknesses, its influence on the occupants, and recommendations for shifting the energy flow to achieve the desired outcome. 


Can you guarantee results?

We don't quite see it as a question of guaranteeing results; it's about whether you are willing to accept a more natural and wholesome lifestyle and, through that choice, open the door to enriching life experiences. 

For example, let's say you were offered the option to choose an organic or non-organic fruit. Which would you prefer? As we know, non-organic products contain more metals, chemicals, and several other contaminants than organic products, which are natural, more beneficial, and eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle. Can results from organic products be guaranteed? Isn't it a proven fact globally?

I hired another feng shui consultant and since than things have gone wrong, can you help?


Situations such as this happen more frequently than you might think. Thankfully, there is always a solution. 

What techniques do you use?

We follow form school feng shui concept and design model to utilize several techniques to best analyze and understand a history, surroundings, form, energy, and overall environmental design.

Recommendations and adjustments usually include placing, removing, applying, fixing, and rearranging items in a property if necessary. 

Improper feng shui practices to look out for?

"Remedies" that require the following: 


• Coloring the walls a specific color, for example, red or pink for love in the "relationship sector."

• Adding foreign décor and objects to your home that hold no personal value or interest to you

• Placing water features to "activate" wealth or positive qi 

• Feng shui labeled items with promises of good fortune. If you enjoy these decor options, it's absolutely fine to purchase them. Otherwise, don't expect to get rich. 

These are just a few recommendations to look out for, and they grossly misrepresent this ancient philosophy. Be wary! If information about the consultant you would like to work with is not readily available, do your research by asking logical questions. Nothing should feel off-putting when speaking to a feng shui analyst. Their goal should be to help you achieve yours.

Do you work remotely?

Yes. We offer remote services to local and international clients using several methods, including working on zoom calls, uploading pictures, and email/text correspondences. However, it depends on the project's design service needs. Please get in touch with us to discuss further.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of this business, it will not be possible to offer refunds. Please feel free to contact home@ninrealty.com should you have any questions or concerns prior to your purchase.

Do you offer recommendations for purchase? 


After an audit analysis, we will provide recommendations and adjustments for your review and a list of vendors.

Please be aware that you will solely be responsible for purchasing the items and directly speaking with the merchant should any issues arise.

Do you combine Interior Design and Feng Shui? 


We pride ourselves on being one of the most unique interior design companies in the world because we can combine these two very different concepts effectively. 

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There are so many school systems of feng shui, how do I pick one?

Unfortunately, throughout time, the true purpose of feng shui has deviated from its original roots of form school concepts due to:

•  The formation of various sub-or new schools that oversimplified and reinvented this philosophy.

•  Old superstitions.

•  Competition among practitioners regarding whose methods are best. 

•  Rigid rules that stipulate one direction is better than the other and more.

Feng shui is an ancient knowledge that works with nature and harnesses its energy to make positive changes that will help guide us in achieving our life goals. This principle has always remained the same since its practice began. It is not to scare, restrict, make false promises, or financially burden you. 

Choose the school that resonates with you, and make sure to ask questions prior to making any payments. Most importantly, follow your intuition and use common sense. It is a natural gift we are all blessed with. 

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Chinese Proverb ~