Staging done right!

Off Market

In NYC, staged properties have sold 72% faster than non-staged properties, helping sellers prevent their homes from sitting on the market for a long period of time or having to lower their asking price.

Above Market

In the current market, well-staged properties have not only sold quickly, but they have sold for up to 4.7% higher on average. 

For this reason, it is important to choose a professional stager who can transform spaces to not only capture their audience's attention, but also to create designs that inspire. 

Tax Deductible

Similar to selling a property, staging a home incurs costs that can be written off as tax-deductible.

However, it is important to note that the home must NOT be de-staged prior to the final sale. If so, staging expenses will not be considered deductible since the property did not rent or sell. 

Ten second buyer countdown

Studies show that buyers can decide within the first 10 seconds whether they are interested in purchasing a property or not, making first impressions crucial for sellers. The exterior, along with interior décor and finishes, gives buyers an immediate sense of a home’s condition and care. This is why staging has become one of the most popular and effective trends in today’s real estate market—helping create lasting impressions that resonates with potential buyers and even those who are inspired by the beauty of art. 

What is staging?

A stager’s role is to create a neutral, visually appealing setting that enhances the energy of a home’s overall environment. By designing comfortable and inviting spaces, stagers help buyers effortlessly envision themselves living in and enjoying the space around them. 

What makes us different?

We stage not only to impress but to inspire. Our design concepts are distinctively ours, blending ancient and modern principles with the timeless art of Feng Shui, the world’s longest-standing design tradition, practiced for over three millennia. 

Feng Shui, at its core, is the collective knowledge of how to arrange, select, and design spaces for success. This practice extends from staging homes to selecting optimal sites for developers and more. For over three decades, it has also made a significant impact on the U.S. interior design market