Feng Shui



It may come as a surprise, but there is no such thing as "feng shui crystals." For those who are unfamiliar, feng shui is a science—it is a collective body of knowledge built on the highest principles of nature and spirituality. Therefore, the relationship between feng shui and crystals is quite distinct. If we were to say that feng shui is a book, for example, would that make a book a crystal? I'm pretty sure you know the answer to this one. Clearly, it is not. On the other hand, we can apply feng shui knowledge to crystals in the same way as we apply it to every aspect of human life, focusing on attributes such as size, color, form, matter, history, and composition. 

Many marketing schemes exist today that exploit our inner desires by adding the words feng shui to their product labels for their own personal financial gain. Some examples are feng shui crystals, coins, tea, colors, and all sorts of trinkets, including your very own potion of feng shui liquid luck. These items do not guarantee wealth, love, or health. Crystals are indeed earth's beautiful creation and do serve a purpose, but feng shui is feng shui, and crystals are crystals. 


Resonate With Your Space

2 min

Many dream of living in a multimillion-dollar home with floor-to-ceiling windows, 360-degree views, generously sized spaces, and top-notch amenities. However, from a feng shui perspective, these homes are no different from those with a much lower price tag. Every day, thousands of luxury residences worldwide remain unclaimed, despite their 'WOW' factor and curb appeal. Take, for instance, Michael Jordan's mansion in Chicago; it has been on the market for more than 10 years and counting. The most expensive penthouse listed in the United States today serves as another example. Originally priced at a quarter of a billion dollars, it boasts all the glamour and allure one might desire in a prime NYC location, yet it has been on the market for over two years. 

So what's the problem with these seemingly perfect properties? Oftentimes, it is a combination of things, but usually it is due to design and location. To find the right buyer, it will become essential to change our perception of beauty and begin to ask the right questions: What does this property not offer? Who is the property best suited for? What is the ideal occupancy timeframe? And what purpose best resonates with the property?

The biggest issue with modern architecture and design is that beauty and creativity alone aren't enough to satisfy buyers in the long run. It is important to keep in mind that designs are frequently produced using the concepts, goals, and expectations of other people, which do not always correspond with the unique requirements of an individual or a family. For this reason, creating wholesome designs is a must because they continue to impact us long after the architect and designer have finished their work, in both positive and negative ways. 

When a feng shui analyst examines these properties, it's similar to a doctor reading an X-ray. We agree that designs should indeed be beautiful, but they must also be functional, economical, and wholesome. Without these qualities, true harmony may always elude us.



2 min

Have you ever been told that having a red door at the entrance of your home or business can bring you wealth and good fortune? If so, naturally you might wonder if the rumor is true. The right answer depends on personal choice. While red certainly can make a bold statement in any aspect, it is also considered an auspicious color linked to the fire element. For those unfamiliar with the five elements/phases, it is a color associated with love, passion, protection, energy, and more. 

Throughout history, the tradition of painting doors red has had many different meanings across the world. It has symbolized a safe haven/sanctuary in both churches and residences, has served as a welcoming beacon for travelers, informed others of a satisfactory mortgage, and in ancient China however, it took on a unique role: The law. Government officials implemented strict building codes that reserved red doors only for high-ranking officials and prominent families of social status. This was how they distinguished themselves from the commoners, symbolizing power, wealth, and nobility. Over time, as restrictions lifted, many embraced red doors, hoping to attract prosperity and reflect their own sense of status.

When designing a home or business using feng shui form principles, there are no strict rules dictating the color of your front door. The best choice harmonizes with the surrounding environment, enhances the building’s overall design, and, most importantly, resonates with your taste. While the fire element can bring warmth and vitality, it's essential to remember that it can also destroy. The key to prosperity and good fortune lies not in forcing your luck but in finding the right balance that fits each unique situation.
