Since as far as I can remember, I have always had a profound and lifelong love for ancient history. When I first heard about "feng shui," I was a child intrigued, even then, by the stories of a millennium-old practice told by our landlord in Brooklyn named Mr. Chan. He was a kind older man full of beautiful Asian customs and traditions.

Brooklyn, Bridge
Feng Shui Philosophy


Initially, when I started my Feng Shui journey, I felt overwhelmed by the vast array of information available. Over the years, I made it my mission to seek the truth behind this philosophy, which is often clouded by superstitions, folklore, and mixed ideologies. 

Eventually, I realized that much of the information about Feng Shui found in books or on the internet, especially in the United States, are completely unreliable because China's ancient classical texts regarding Feng Shui have never been officially translated into other languages. For centuries, this has led to a proliferation of practices that deviate from the true origins of Feng Shui.


During my search, I learned almost every school's method of practice: Form/Landscape, Compass/Cosmology, Black Hat Sect, Flying Stars, Eight Mansions, Bazi, and even Vastu, which originates from ancient India. It was indeed challenging work, but it was worth it. After gaining a solid understanding of this philosophy, I began to see the world in a new light. With over two decades of knowledge in global history, ancient studies, mythology, and the teachings of the only Form School Feng Shui master in the world today, I was able to connect the pieces and find the truth through experience, common sense, and facts. 

Shanghai, China


In modern China, there are traditionally two schools of Feng Shui: Form (or Landscape) School, which is the oldest system, and the Compass School, which developed later and incorporates cosmology and astrology. The school I practice is the Form School Feng Shui. Unfortunately, it is also the rarest to find in the United States and perhaps worldwide, despite being the oldest and original school system in existence.

Form School principles, unlike other schools, have always maintained consistency, hold a concise and documented lineage, and possess a large number of classical texts that have been preserved and are still in existence today. Without a doubt, Form School has retained the most authentic embodiment of Feng Shui teachings, with examples found throughout most of China, including the notable Imperial Palace of Beijing.